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Delivering an inclusive economy post Covid-19 

A document that the Women and Economy Task Group of the Bristol Women's Commission have just completed as a contribution to the Bristol Economy Board discussions on economic renewal.

Bristol Women’s Commission Women and Economy Task Group, with
the support of the Women in Business Task Group, is proposing
evidence-based recommendations to city leaders, employers and key
economic decision makers as our contribution to the renewal of the
economy post Covid-19. It presents a real opportunity to do things
differently and to deliver a local economy which meets the ambition in
the One City Plan of a city that is “Fair, Healthy and Sustainable”. These
proposals will also help Bristol meet its commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
'Covid-19 has exposed and exacerbated the preexisting inequalities in Bristol. It has
also demonstrated the value of women’s paid and unpaid work in care and other key
sectors. A fairer future must involve an understanding of the ways women’s work is
systematically undervalued and underpaid, and policies need to be put in place to make sure that our contribution is not lost or diminished further.'


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